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Writing for Your Academic and Scientific Readers 

The idea of writing for your readers is alive and well in today’s competitive market for academic and scientific prose. Modern media may create a vast variety of opportunities for exposure and dissemination that were unheard of decades ago, but they also place the work of the scholarly author among an enormous mass of textual material. To find an enthusiastic audience in such a context, an academic or scientist must produce a document that is carefully designed to attract, engage, inform and persuade the readers he or she anticipates, desires and, in some cases, dreads. The following resources highlight successful strategies that can help you weave a text that will suit your readers perfectly and perhaps even earn a wider audience than you may have expected. 

This article insists that scholarly authors must know who their readers are if they are to write for them effectively. While reflecting on exactly who your readers might be, consider their education, what sort of jobs they do and what their primary reasons for reading your writing may be. The goal is to make your prose and its content comprehensible to the least informed among your potential readers while also engaging the interest of specialists in your field. 

Earning the confidence of readers is essential for academic and scientific authors, so this resource provides practical advice for establishing an authoritative scholarly voice in text. The emphasis is on writing that is clear, correct and both accurate and thorough in describing research methods and findings. Argumentation should arise from sound evidence and proceed logically; critical thoughts should be insightful and conclusions should be persuasive; bibliographical references should be accurate, consistent and complete. 

Particular styles of writing are traditional within scholarly disciplines, and it is therefore vital for an academic or scientist to use an appropriate style to attract and convince readers. A simple style that communicates with clarity and precision is effective for the hard sciences, whereas writing in the humanities often adopts a sophisticated style rich in allusion and word play. In the soft sciences either style might be used or the two combined as required by content and context. 

Formal scholarly prose tends to differ significantly from popular fiction, yet engaging and holding the interest of readers are extremely good reasons for learning a little from the writers of fiction and relating your advanced research as a story of sorts. This article advises academics and scientists to discover intriguing plots in their research and make the most of them to draw a wider range of readers into their writing and through the intricacies of their arguments.

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If you are in the process of preparing an article for an academic or scientific journal, or planning one for the near future, you may well be interested in a new book, Guide to Journal Publication, which is available on our Tips and Advice on Publishing Research in Journals website.

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