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Using Word and Its Functions for Academic and Scientific Writing 

Many academics and scientists use Microsoft Word to write up their research and prepare it for publication in books, scholarly journals and online. Certainly the program is an excellent tool for authors – one which I, personally, could not do without – but it is also an extremely complex tool. It can do a great deal more than most writers realise, and its automatic functions can even become problematic if users are not aware of how to control them. The articles I list below provide some practical advice on using Word effectively to write and format scholarly documents. 

The goal, as this article insists, is to ensure that Word is always working for you instead of against you, which can at times prove challenging. The focus here is on automatic formatting functions such as numbered sections, spell checking with its many dangers and the limitations of grammar checking, which should never be relied on in isolation. The discussion provides tips on using these Word functions well and advice on seeking better tools when necessary. 

Among the most prominent of Word’s many functions is styles – its boxes of letters takes up a large portion of the Home menu bar – but I suspect it may also be among Word’s least used functions. This resource outlines in detail exactly how to use Word’s styles function to format headings and subheadings for a scholarly document. Levels of heading, font sizes and styles, heading modifications and more are discussed with practical steps for formatting your own headings and subheadings. 

One of the most useful of the many possibilities when using Word is the creation of an active table of contents for a scholarly book, report, thesis or even a long article. By an active table of contents I mean one that enables readers to jump directly to sections and other parts of a document simply by clicking on the headings within the table of contents. This post provides instructions for constructing, checking and revising an active table of contents.

If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, you may be interested in two resources that offer similar advice to that noted above, but with a particular focus on producing a successful thesis or dissertation in Microsoft Word. The first covers a few of Word’s language and numbering functions, while the second deals specifically with using Word’s styles to create headings and subheadings that organise a thesis or dissertation in an attractive and accessible manner.

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If you are in the process of preparing an article for an academic or scientific journal, or planning one for the near future, you may well be interested in a new book, Guide to Journal Publication, which is available on our Tips and Advice on Publishing Research in Journals website.

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